LoLo Concept (3)
We will here focus on all the latest news, launches, promotions, fairs, ... related to our brand and the LoLo Concept.
LOLO at the EBFW (Elche Bloggers Fashion Week)
We discusss in this post our participation in the EBFW (Elche Bloggers Fashion Week) which was held last 17th and 18th May in Elche.
We take this opportunity to debut our new models of handbags LOLO introduced by our friends of Womanheel.
The event start Friday 17th with a visit guided for participants at the Elche Business Park to see firsthand the manufacturing process, from the moment of choosing the fabrics, colours, designs to future trends collections of hand professionals who are dedicated to it from the various production departments, coolhunting, design, marketing and communication of best footwear companies located there.
Saturday 18th of may take place the main activities of the event.
LOLO in Marroquinería Española
Welcome to the LoLo Concept
We welcome all our customers, partners, distributors, fans and friends to our new website http://www.loloconcept.com/ and to this blog.
This blog will announce our articles, information related to our brand LOLO and another set of information that we think will be useful for our customers and the general public. Among them we can mention the following sections: Leather´s History, Advice and News and Trends.